
Rise Up is the debut solo album from Luca Brugnoli, finalist in the 2022 BBC Young Chorister of the Year. It includes a range of classical and crossover repertoire, and features some of Luca’s favourite pieces as well as many fresh arrangements created especially for this recording.


During the pandemic Luca recorded ‘Rise Up’, which became an inspirational song for many. With this in mind, it seemed fitting to feature this as the central track on his first solo album.

Robert Lewis was approached to develop and direct the project and following a successful Kickstarter campaign – recording commenced.

Clive contributed the second track on the album, ‘O Quam Tristis‘. Luca was joined by The Hennessey Brown Music Collective on the recording , which took place at the Charterhouse School Chapel on the 20th of December 2022 and the 4th and 5th of January 2023.

Recording session galleries

The gallery section has a set of pictures and a video of ‘O Quam Tristis’ from the recording sessions at Charterhouse School in December 2022.

Preview and purchase

You can listen to individual tracks or purchase the album from the online store at Convivium Records.

Rise Up


Convivium Records 2023

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